The origin of my nick name, Deppe, is shrowded in mystery. I have a vague recollection of being christened thus when I was in engineering. I also have a faint memory of having hated the name. Much later, while I was talking to myself, I caught one of my inner voices addressing another as Deppe. Shocking!
I am obsessed with reading number plates on vehicles and making judgements about the driver based on his origin. Not unlike people who say "Oh! you are cancerian? That explains it", I , for example, look out for the number plates of drivers who honk incessantly and feel very gratified when I see KA-06 (Tumkur) or KA-11 (Mandya). I'm trying to quit this habit btw.
There was a time I was really fanatical about my home town, Bangalore. Now I practically hate it. If there's any geographical feature in India I am parochial about, it is the Western Ghats. I got childishly angry once when somebody said the ghats are very monotonous.

The ghats have never looked as stunning as during the last couple of weeks. There are particular weirdos in the plant family that inhabit this part of the deccan. Every 12 years they all bloom together and cover the peaks with a purple carpeting. It's a sight to behold. I digressed...
I once stood for elections for the post of class rep, after someone nominated me in jest. I gave the worst possible speech; I said nothing. I got 3 votes ( or was it 2?). I like to think that my life would have turned out dramatically different if I had got just one vote.
To be continued...
Bugger, you don't remember me christening you Deppe?? Full C.A.B.
@jax Was it really you? For some reason I thought Nikhil coined it.
@bananarana: All the plants don't flower together, so I guess you can see the flowers for a period of 3-4 weeks.
It was a dark and stormy night. Maybe not. Nikhil and I were at your place and you were telling us about your friend Dwaipayan Reddy who was named Dweppe. I jumped in and named you Deppe. You hated the name. Only then, obviously, Nikhil jumped in and spread your new name to the rest of the world.
the etymology of 'Deppe' is quite interesting
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