Chukar: Ever notice how bollywood heroes continue to run in a straight line on the main road while being chased in a vehicle? The chukar, a kind of snowcock, exhibits exactly that kind of stupidity. This one kept running on the path and allowed me to chase it for over 200 mts. As stupid as they are endearing!
Black Redstart: This one's a real beauty and seemed more than pleased to be photographed.
The Yellowbeaked Choughs seem extremely comfortable in the company of humans. They are amazing in flight. Hate it when people call them crows.
There were too many warblers and wagtails even to keep count of. Inskipp was inconclusive about this one. It's beak is too unsparrow-like.
Inskipp tells me this is a Citrine Wagtail, but I'm not willing to bet my life on it.
This is a Blue Whistling Thrush or a Bluheaded Rock Thrush, depending on who you ask.
..and finally, at every camp, we found at least one boisterous Magpie couple.
Someday I wouldn't mind returning here just to spend a couple of days doing nothing but bird-watching.
sure..when? atleast there you will do real bird watching and not the symbolic type ;-)
I have been keeping this on my unread list for long enough and am glad I finally read it today. BTW, did you know the names of all the birds upfront or did you google (ahem bing) them all later?
@ VictorTango: Let's plan it for 2012?
@ Shreeni: I used my Inskipp guide (
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