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Ok. I'm a total todo-list junkie. For as long as I can remember I've had various "Things to do before I turn X" lists. Although a lot of people seem to think that that's a terribly unspontaneous way of living life these lists have their use because I seem to get a few things done (except for those items that begin with the words "Get married to..."). One of the things that I had resolved to do before I turn 32 is to climb Mt.Kilimanjaro and now I'm all set! No more updates on this blog till I'm back on Oct 2.
Technically I'm a little late with this task because I already turned 32 last week. Yeah, 32, that little turning point in life after which the main ingredient, by weight, of your birthday cake is wax! And here's a picture of the pyre that my sweet friends set up for me at midnight. Folks, next time, bring an extinguisher too.
More later, with stories from Tanzania.
Dude...kick ass...have a nice trip...looking forward to the pix
Awesome! hope you hear fantastic stories.
Have a wonderful trip Deepu! I look forward to hearing about it after your return.
wow wow really!!! you are making me believe in To-DO Lists and this is coming from someone who hates lists of any sort whatsoever!
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